Trigger Point Therapy for Foot Pain & Plantar Fasciitis

Alternative to Foam Rollers Massage Balls Yoga Blocks

Trigger Point Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis


Last year I dealt with foot pain so severe I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming in pain. I went through so many pain killers my stomach was raw. That’s when I reach for my Pressure Pyramid.  Paired with some Physiotherapy and foot massage, stepping on the EVA (foam) Pyramid helped me so much. The pain is now completely gone!


Around 75% of Canadians will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. About 19% of the Canadian population has an average of 1.4 foot problems each year. People are spending millions on Trigger point therapy, massage and tools for their aching feet every year. Trigger points typically refer to pain that sends pain to some other site location on the body. 


Pressure applied to the arch of the foot is often the test used for determining whether you have plantar fasciitis. If it hurts to press there, the tendons and fascia in the bottom of your foot are likely inflamed. It is a common disorder, which can develop in one or both feet, and causes heel pain. It is the most frequent injury of the Plantar Fascia and refers to an inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. The plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot and if strained, becomes weak, swollen and inflamed.

What are the Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?

People will generally report feeling a sharp pain that usually occurs with their very first steps in the morning. Once the foot limbers up, the pain of Plantar Fasciitis is known to decrease, but has been noted to reappear after long periods of standing or after getting up from a seated position. 

Sudden stretching of the sole of the foot may increase the pain. It’s worth noting that in extreme cases, symptoms include numbness, tingling and swelling.

Who is Prone to Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis most common in older people, it may also occur in younger individuals who are on their feet for many hours of the day. It is particularly common for runners to experience Plantar Fasciitis. These cases often occur  when you start running on a different surface to the one they’re used to, or a switch to a different style of footwear. In addition to age, poor footwear, obesity, and lack of physical exercise, Plantar Fasciitis is known to affect individuals with extreme inward rolling of the foot, which is connected with flat feet.

Different Causes of Foot Pain?

Below a list of other conditions which can present with similar symptoms:

Bone Issues:

  • (Avulsion) fracture
  • Stress fractures
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Bone spurs (heel)
  • Broken ankle/broken foot
  • Sever’s disease (Children/youth)


  • Gout
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Pseudo-gout
  • TB
  • Pagets disease of the bone
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthropathy (from psoriasis) 
  • Subcalcaneal bursitis Functional
  • Achilles tendonitis or rupture
  • Achilles bursa pathology
  • Mortons Neuroma


Treatment – Trigger Point Therapy


Many characteristics have been observed for many years by researchers all over the world. With new testing methods and equipment, in the last decade much has been learned about the physiology of trigger points. And even though not every mechanism is known, patients get better when their trigger points are treated! Trigger points are all relatively accessible and should be worked on at home between treatments as part of a comprehensive treatment program.This should usually include stretching, strengthening exercises, Pressure point tools at home and often simple lifestyle changes.


Plantar Fasciitis in Children


Children, like adults, may develop plantar fasciitis from overuse of the ligament or from wearing old or unsupportive shoes. Because the condition can worsen over time, it’s important to see a doctor to properly diagnose and treat it, before it becomes chronic.

Ice your child’s heel to reduce any irritation or inflammation. Massaging the area can also help it heal. Make sure your child rests and avoids running, jumping, and standing for long periods to help their foot heal. When your child returns to their normal activities, remind them to do warm up exercises and stretches to keep the problem from returning. You should also check that they’re wearing properly fitting, supportive shoes. Your child’s heel pain could also be another condition, like Achilles tendinitis or a fracture.


Outlook and Recovery


Most people don’t need surgery to relieve pain from plantar fasciitis. Instead, their condition improves through physical therapy, home treatments, and medical treatments. However, treatment can take several months to 2 years to improve your symptoms. Trigger Point Therapy is an effective and simple method, and purchasing Your Pressure Pyramid is an inexpensive way to self-treat at home on your road to recovery.