In the unlikely event that you experience more than a “good pain” like you would feel with deep stretching, deep tissue massage and reflexology, or if the symptoms get worse, you should stop using Your Pressure Pyramid and consult a physician. If you suspect any injury other than repetitive stress symptoms, muscle strain and knots in the body (such as sprains, bruising, broken or fractured bones, a tear or other acute injury to the muscles, tendons or ligaments) you should not use Your Pressure Pyramid, as it is not designed or intended to treat or cure those types of injuries and/or conditions.
If any of those conditions are present, please consult a physician before using Your Pressure Pyramid.
Your Pressure Pyramid is intended for use only as directed for the neck, back, thighs, calves and feet.
Children should be supervised when using Your Pressure Pyramid and it is not intended for children under the age of 16 years old.
Caution do not use on slippery surfaces.
Please note that Your Pressure Pyramid accepts no liability for misuse of the product. Enjoy laying, leaning and stepping on Your Pressure Pyramid!